Kinetic Metallization: Coatings Once Thought Impossible

Amorphous Nickel

Amorphous Nickel

Nickel-based fully amorphous metallic coatings were deposited using Kinetic Metallization (KM). The low deposition process allowed the resulting coating to retain the fully amorphous nature of the gas-atomized powder. Coated samples were prepared for, and evaluated by, researchers at the Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metals Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Their results were published in journal articles. Below are the links to the publications with their respective abstracts.

Acta Metallurgica Sinica (Chinese), Vol. 42, No. 5, May 2006


A Ni53Nb20Ti10Zr8Co6Cu3 fully amorphous metallic coating with thickness of about 500mm was prepared by Kinetic Metallization (KM) spraying gas-atomized powders. It was indicated that the porosities in the deposited coatings decreased with increasing spray temperature and deposition efficiency. The corrosion property of the coatings was evaluated by potentiodynamic polarization in 1kmol/m3 HCl aqueous solution. The coating holds a good corrosion resistance at a lower porosity, which is comparable with that of the corresponding amorphous alloy.

Keywords: Ni-based amorphous alloy coating, kinetic metallization, corrosion resistance

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A Ni53Nb20Ti10Zr8Co6Cu3 fully amorphous metallic coating has been deposited by means of kinetic metallization (KM) using gas atomized powders. As the thickness of the amorphous metallic coating is increased to 400 mm, it attains the excellent corrosion resistance of the amorphous alloy, as indicated by the extremely low passive current density and wide passive region in 1 kmol/m3 HCl aqueous solution. The corrosion rate is as low as 10–3 mm/year in the extremely corrosive environment of 6 kmol/m3 HCl aqueous solution.